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Sponsored by Bel Brands USA, this special segment explores a few products inspiring social media trends and innovation in restaurants.

Specialty cheeses like gorgonzola offer an expanded creative canvas to chefs and an appealing indulgence to consumers.

How grass-fed beef can create differentiation.

Plant-based proteins show long-term promise. What does the future look like for plant-based foods?

Here's a look at the latest cheese trends—with insights into how some soft cheeses are especially well-suited to help chefs cope with today's challenges.

Sides like macaroni and cheese offer trendy comfort.

Here's how alternate, economical cuts of beef and lamb can do the heavy lifting.

Beef burgers offer a familiar base for creative experimentation.

In the modern world of pasta, chefs are introducing unexpected applications and classic favorites.

Coffee and tea trends incentivize restaurant guests to increase their spend.

Here's why these versatile Italian cheeses are appearing on more menus.

Though the NPD Group has predicted the restaurant industry will recover 98 percent of 2019 traffic levels by the end of this calendar year, that doesn’t mean operations will resume pre-pandemic protocols.